Common Causes of Psychosis

Psychosis occurs when you interpret reality in a much different way from those around you. Common types of psychosis include hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking and speech. The condition can be a one-time experience or occur regularly throughout your lifetime. Below are some of the common causes of psychosis. Common Causes of Psychosis Psychosis can […]     Read More >>

Common Signs of Hidden Trauma

Caring for your mental health is important for your overall well-being. This is especially true if you have experienced trauma at any point throughout your lifetime. In fact, it is never too late to seek support for prior trauma. Below are some of the common signs of hidden trauma. Common Signs of Hidden Trauma Trauma […]     Read More >>

Tips for Living with Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a long-term condition that can be difficult to manage. Many people with chronic pain find that consistent pain is both mentally and physically taxing. Fortunately, through a combination of carefully managed medication and coping techniques, it is possible to maintain some of your quality of life. Here we have some tips for […]     Read More >>

Introversion Versus Social Anxiety: What’s the Difference?

Many people self-identify as introverts. While the exact definition of what introversion is can vary on a case-by-case basis, it is always a reflection of personal preference. By contrast, social anxiety is a mental health disorder that causes you to actually fear social situations. For someone with social anxiety, the symptoms they experience during social […]     Read More >>

Benefits and Risks of Coming Out

Choosing to come out to family and friends can be a difficult decision at any age. You may find yourself wondering what you have to gain from telling those closest to you that you don’t identify as cis or heterosexual. Let’s look at the benefits and risks of coming out and how to adapt with […]     Read More >>

Explaining CBT to Your Child

The use of pediatric cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is increasingly common as peer-reviewed research continues to demonstrate the efficacy of CBT for children. Therefore, if your therapist or pediatrician suggests trying cognitive behavioral therapy with your child, it isn’t out of the ordinary. Let’s look at explaining CBT to your child. Explaining CBT to Your […]     Read More >>

What Contributes to Negative Body Image?

Your body image has nothing to do with your physical form. It is entirely dependent on your own perception. Essentially, body image is defined by the ways you think and feel about your physical form. Let’s look at what contributes to negative body image. What Contributes to Negative Body Image? In some cases, a negative […]     Read More >>

Helping a Partner with ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a mental health condition that affects 2.5-4% of the adult population. Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity was only added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1980. That means there is a strong possibility that an even larger percentage of the adult population has undiagnosed […]     Read More >>

What Kind of Therapy Is Right for Me?

Therapy is a personal experience. You may associate therapy with the treatment of mental illness or addiction, but therapy is actually useful for most people. The obstacles and challenges we face every day can be difficult to tackle alone, and therapy can help to reduce that burden. Unfortunately, therapy is still something that our society […]     Read More >>

Understanding Shame When Recovering from Substance Use Disorders

Shame and Substance Use Disorders often go hand in hand. For many addicts, substance use disorders begin as a form of self-medication in response to trauma or mental illness. Drugs and alcohol are used as a hiatus from reality, a temporary release from the pain they suffer. Unfortunately, substance use disorders have a way of […]     Read More >>