Dealing with Social Anxiety After Quarantine

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our lives. We continue to struggle to keep case numbers and the mortality rate under control. Fortunately, we have seen some progress thanks to vaccination efforts and improvements in treatment. Both are allowing people to return to something resembling normalcy within small friend groups and family units, but […]     Read More >>

Importance of Sleep for Mental Health

It is an established fact that poor sleep patterns can and do contribute to worsening mental health conditions. Although we still don’t fully understand the role that sleep plays in our lives, all of the evidence suggests that our biological systems require regular, restful sleep to continue functioning properly. Let’s look at the importance of […]     Read More >>

Why Do I Pull Out My Hair?

Everyone deals with stress in their own way. Some coping mechanisms are considered healthy and can be helpful for lowering daily stress levels. However, other coping mechanisms are capable of causing more harm than the initial stress. Pulling out your own hair is one example of a harmful coping mechanism in response to stress. So […]     Read More >>

How Social Media Affects Body Image

At its best social media allows a global community of users to share ideas as well as their daily lives. Unfortunately, the same apps that have formed the basis for social movements are also known for promoting content that negatively affects user’s sense of self-worth. The most notable example of this is the growing expanse […]     Read More >>

How Coming Out Can Be a Cycle

Queer rights organizations have made significant strides in recent decades. Their hard work and sacrifices have made it easier than ever before to come out in the United States. Unfortunately, being easier doesn’t mean it’s easy. True, there now is widespread acceptance of the queer community. Still, several vocal minority groups can make it anywhere […]     Read More >>

Helping a Loved One Who Is Suffers with Substance Use Disorders

Substance Use Disorders is destructive disease. It wreaks havoc on the physical body while simultaneously eroding relationships and warping the affected person’s mental state. Watching someone you love suffer through that experience can feel like an impossible burden to bear at times, but the truth is that no one can beat substance use disorders alone. […]     Read More >>

Helping Someone with Body Dysmorphia

In a world built on the concept of form over substance, it is difficult for literally everyone to remember the real purpose of physical health and fitness. However, this problem takes on new weight when it comes to people who suffer from body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphic disorder is a clinical condition that applies to individuals […]     Read More >>

How to Stop Feeling Ashamed of Depression

Depression is an insidious mental illness that exacerbates every worry and insecurity. When those side effects are coupled with the deeply ingrained social stigmas that surround serious mental illness, many patients who are dealing with depression withdraw into themselves. They may be afraid of censure or simply ashamed of what is happening to them, but […]     Read More >>

Why Do I Wake Up in the Middle of the Night?

Disruptions in normal sleep are never fun. Even when you can get back to sleep within a reasonable timeframe it can take your body a long time to achieve restful sleep. Just a few interruptions may result in your waking up feeling groggy and poorly rested. Of course, it’s perfectly normal to occasionally experience inadequate […]     Read More >>

Never Be Ashamed to Seek Help

Human beings are incredibly complex creatures. We lead busy lives where we’re expected to be social, professional, and competent all the time. That is a lot for anyone to handle, and the truth is that we all have moments where it’s just too much. Unfortunately, there are real medical factors that can exacerbate those stressors. […]     Read More >>